A remedial massage therapist is a non-registered health provider who treats body aches, pain and tension using deep tissue massage. They can treat musculoskeletal pain through massage techniques.
Remedial massage therapists
You don’t need a referral to see a remedial massage therapist, but a GP can help you with a recommendation.
You can use Massage & Myotherapy’s Australian Massage Directory Find a therapist tool.
A remedial massage therapist may help with your musculoskeletal pain if your symptoms stem from tension in your muscles. Massage treatment can reduce tension and encourage muscles to work as they should. One of the most common benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and well-being. Remedial massage can help reduce stress hormones, such as cortisol, to help support the immune system.
Remedial massage therapists work with their hands to apply firm pressure to the soft tissues of the body. This includes muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.
Your therapist assesses the area of concern, asks you about symptoms and uses massage techniques to free up tension in the body.
They might also work with other techniques, such as lymphatic drainage or reflexology.
You may be covered for remedial massage if you have eligible extras cover that covers it. The gap (what you pay out-of-pocket) will depend on your cover and your massage therapist’s fees.
If you’re a Bupa health insurance member, you can check your cover online.
Remedial massage fees are not covered under Medicare, unless your therapist is also a general practitioner.
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Talk to a Bupa health coach to help manage your condition
If you're living with a long-term medical condition such as osteoarthritis or diabetes, need support to get back on track, or just want to find a healthier you, Bupa’s health coaching program is here to help. Get information or advice from a qualified nurse or dietitian at times that suit you.
Learn about Bupa health coaching
This program provides resources and health information as a guide only, not as a substitute for medical advice or a professional endorsement. If you think you have a medical emergency, call 000 or go to the nearest emergency department.
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*Depending on your level of cover, for most services at our Members First extras providers covering dental, physiotherapy, chiropractic and podiatry consultations. Bupa has Members First providers for these services. Not available in all areas. Yearly limits, benefit claiming restrictions, waiting periods, fund and policy rules apply.
These resources are not intended to be a comprehensive list or to represent that Bupa endorses any specific health practitioner or program. Everyone’s health journey is individual and health outcomes can vary from person to person. These resources are also not intended to be a replacement for personalised and specific medical, healthcare or other professional advice. If you have any concerns about your health, see your doctor or other health professional.