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Target heart rate


What’s a safe range for how fast your heart beats while exercising? Find out with this simple heart rate calculator.

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How to use this tool

Enter your age and click ‘calculate’ to find out your maximum heart rate and your target heart rate range for different levels of exercise intensity.

This calculator has been reviewed by Bupa health professionals and is based on reputable sources of medical research. It is not a diagnostic tool and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional medical or other professional health advice.

If you are concerned or are at increased risk of heart disease, are pregnant, or have not been physically active for a while, please see your doctor for advice before embarking on any new exercise program.

Why is this important?

Aerobic exercise is when your body uses oxygen in a process that breaks down glucose and fat for energy to fuel physical activity. This kind of activity makes your heart and lungs work harder to get oxygen-rich blood to your muscles and causes your heart rate to speed up. So, it’s important to know the safe range (your target heart rate) for how fast your heart beats to help you get benefit from physical activity without overworking this vital muscle.

The American Heart Association recommends people aim for a general target heart rate (THR) of:

  • 50% to 69% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) during moderate-intensity exercise
  • 70% to 85% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) when exercising at vigorous intensity.

Your maximum heart rate is estimated by deducting your age from the number 220 and is expressed in beats per minute (bpm).

You’re considered to be doing moderate-intensity activity when your heart rate is slightly increased and you’re breathing harder (as a guide, you can talk comfortably but probably won’t have enough breath to sing). When you’re doing vigorous-intensity activity, you likely find yourself ‘huffing and puffing’ and find it difficult to talk in full sentences.

How much activity do I need?

The Australian physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines recommend everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each day, for most days of the week, increasing up to at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity every day for children and young people aged 5 to 17.

Where to get help

Use our health tools

  • Wellbeing score
  • BMI calculator
  • Waist to height ratio
  • Calorie converter
  • Waist to hip ratio
  • Ideal weight calculator
  • Target heart rate
  • Calories burned

Further reading

Getting active

Move more, live longer

Health information can be confusing, complex and at times seem contradictory. But what if you could step towards a longer, healthier life just by moving more?

Getting active

Exercise: Motivation and overcoming blockers

Staying motivated can be hard when you hit that dreaded exercise ‘blocker’. Find out how to overcome it and reach your fitness goals.

Keeping fit

A beginner’s guide to running and loving it

Taking up running can seem daunting, so here are 5 top tips to help you boost your confidence, change your mindset, and get real about running.

Keeping fit

What to eat and drink if you want to smash your fitness goals

Dietitian Nick Green explains what you need to eat before, during and after a sporting activity so you can make sure you have the right fuel to perform and recover.