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Calories burned


Calculate how much energy you burn in everyday activities.

Select your workout activity

How to use this tool

Select a type of activity and enter in how long (in minutes) you did this activity. Enter your weight in kilograms (kg).

Click 'calculate' for an estimation of how much energy you would use in carrying out this activity, in Calories* and in kilojoules.

*One ‘uppercase C’ Calorie is actually a kilocalorie (1000 ‘lower case c’ calories) and is equal to 4 kilojoules (rounded to the nearest whole number).

Why is this important?

Balancing the energy you're taking in with the energy you're using can help with reaching or maintaining a healthy weight.

Find out how much energy you're burning with different kinds of activities. The amount of energy you use depends on what activity you're doing, how intense the activity is, how long you do it for, and your weight.

Where to get help

Use our health tools

  • Wellbeing score
  • BMI calculator
  • Waist to height ratio
  • Calorie converter
  • Waist to hip ratio
  • Ideal weight calculator
  • Target heart rate
  • Calories burned

Further reading

Getting active

Exercise: Motivation and overcoming blockers

Staying motivated can be hard when you hit that dreaded exercise ‘blocker’. Find out how to overcome it and reach your fitness goals.

Keeping fit

The health benefits of tennis

Tennis is often referred to as the sport of a lifetime. It serves up a variety of health benefits that researchers suggest may help you live longer.

Weight management

10 ways to turn your health kick into a habit

If you’ve set yourself some personal goals this year, these tips could be the inspiration you need to start making a positive long-term change in your life.

Weight management

How to lose weight and keep it off

Find out ways to help you lose weight effectively, and, most importantly, keep it off.